
Comment Commented on Posted

This is a beautiful profile of a beautiful person. You've brought them alive; you've convinced me they're real. Seeing the photo you were inspired by was a treat after the fact, and I don't think you could have more thoroughly or creatively described what you saw, but I didn't even need it -- you gave us the complete picture of this man already. And no one could be less deserving of our pity, because no one could be happier, as you showed us. Would that we could all be as lucky in our quest for personal fulfillment as Charles is. 

Charles 3 months ago

I don't know if you've ever heard of this but there's an analogy many therapists use about "spoons," or units of energy, that you start out with in a day, with each subsequent task using up a number of said spoons until your energy is fully spent. This reminded me of that, and I read it with that in mind. (I wouldn't be surprised if it was on your mind while writing!) You and your one plastic spoon against the wall, energy low, but everyone coming in with their own reserve of energy to get you where you need to go... Whether you intended to evoke the spoon theory or not, it adds amazing dimension and double-meaning to this piece!

The Wall 3 months ago

This reminded me of one of my favorite camp counselors. Thank you.

Calm Frog 3 months ago

What a picture this paints in my head! I feel I can really see her, hopping between the stars. The poetic choices you made -- the italicization, capitalizations, and single-word lines -- all added to the whimsical twinkle of the character and the piece as a whole.

“The Girl Who Was a Star” 3 months ago

This fills me with so much joy! What a treasure a good friend can be. I love to see the different kinds of love explored, because I don't think they're touched on enough in popular media -- and truly, the affection we have for a friend can be just as fierce and loyal and brimming as romantic love. You've clearly proven so!

A Best Friend 3 months ago

Your welcome! 

after the storm 3 months ago

You are very welcome, you deserve it! And I am in the same predicament. Try thinking about, like, what is Aily going to think next? Is one of the Aldridges going to join her or are they going to set up their own hunt? Will there be a public/private funeral or will the deaths be hushed up, making it even more of an emotional uphill climb for anyone as they attempt to find out who did it? Sorry, that got into a rant; don't let me take over your story, but I hope that helped!

Chapter Twelve- That of Poison and Roses 3 months ago

Omg thank you, this means the world to me!! Hopefully I'll post the next chapters soon, I'm in a bit of a writing slump :P

Chapter Twelve- That of Poison and Roses 3 months ago

ikr? it was super cool in person too, tysm!!

after the storm 3 months ago

ikr? It’s was super cool in person too, tysm!!

after the storm 3 months ago