Watch The World Go By

I sit quietly on a path

In a park

And watch the world go by.

People walk by,

Runners run by,

Birds fly by,

And spiders crawl across me.

Some stop to rest.

A little boy with his father, they both have ice cream;

Chocolate and vanilla.

A woman is on a phone call, she looks sad, I wonder why.

A teenager and her dog stop to watch the river that flows behind me.

An old man with a wooden cane

Watches the people walk by,

Watches the runners run by,

Watches the birds fly by and the spiders crawl across me.

He watches the sun shine,

And watches the clouds move across the sky.

He watches as the world goes by.

I have seen a lot of life in this park,

I wonder what he’s seen.

A few years later the town will take notice how

Every day

He comes and sits,

And when he’s off in a new life,

There will be a plaque

Dedicated to him

On this bench,

In this park.

Where he sat

Every day

And watched the world go by.



13 years old