Weekly Challenges

Write a letter to the person you were five years ago. What do you want them to know about yourself, about life? What reassurances or advice would you give them? [Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash]
Weekly Challenges
Write a letter to the person you were five years ago. What do you want them to know about yourself, about life? What reassurances or advice would you give them? [Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash]
Dear 8-year-old me, I am 13 years old now and a lot has changed. We are still best friends with Emily. I added a couple of new best friends to my life, Brooklyn, Lacey, and Zoey.
Child, your future is best left unspoiled, so I may be too vague, or not vague enough. Don’t be afraid of the contents within this letter . . .
Dear 8 year old me
Dear five-year-old me,
you are in kindergarten right now.
You are going to meet your absolute best friend in just a little while -
or maybe you already have.
Either way, remember to be kind to her.
Dear Beatrice,
Covid is about to start. Don't worry, this isn't the end of the world. You just have to get through the next two years.
Also: You need glasses. Please get them and don't wait four more years.
oh you sweet child,
you aren't ready. you never will be ready, but the world will force you to take it anyways. this world has no mercy, no love. it does not care.