Election '24–Women

Opinion & Commentary

Photo of Michelle Obama at campaign rally

Election '24–Women

Former First Lady Michelle Obama implored men to vote in favor of women's reproductive rights by voting for Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris. A second Trump administration would be dire for American women, she told a rally in Michigan on Oct. 26. And while she acknowledged the anger that many Americans feel about the “slow pace of change” in the country, she warned: “If we don’t get this election right, your wife, your daughter, your mother, we as women, will become collateral damage to your rage.” Do you feel the gravity of the Nov. 5 election? Write about it!

Read the New York Times story, "Michelle Obama Makes a Searing Appeal to Men: ‘Take Our Lives Seriously,' " Oct. 26, 2024.

[Photo: Erin Schaff/The New York Times]
