


18 years old


  • By yejunee


    when you're a kid, your birthday's all you dream of 
    'cause you dream of helium balloons and chocolate cake 
    the kind of wrapping bow like a rose made of ribbon 
    your whole family singing off-key 
  • By yejunee

    we are rising

    here is a truth: you will not survive this. 

    you are not the person your parents created. cells replace themselves every seven years and you possess a whole new physical form.
  • By yejunee


    there are days like a tangled ball of yarn 
    where everything seems twisted, gnarled, 
    doomed to never unravel. 

    and that's alright. 

    we're all messes, aren't we? 
  • By yejunee

    atlas, sky-carrier

    i'm sorry, Atlas, the sky must weigh so much 
    on your shoulders. 
    don't let go. not yet. it will kill everyone, if you let go. 

    a punishment, the gods called it, 
  • By yejunee

    a love to live for

    in the end, there is a person you'd walk through hell for 
    because you know the fire is worth it. 
    but death is so common now, don't you think? 
    teenagers die every day to their own self-destruction,