
when you're a kid, your birthday's all you dream of 
'cause you dream of helium balloons and chocolate cake 
the kind of wrapping bow like a rose made of ribbon 
your whole family singing off-key 
and you dream of it all, 
the one day in the year you can call yours, like a checkpoint in the race of life. 

take a breath here. you've come so far. 

but kids don't stay kids. 
they kill that kid, deep inside, lock them up and say it's to protect them. 
you will not survive this. 
birthdays are just another day. days don't matter in the long run. 
don't they? 
you throw away the streamers, you throw away the confetti, 
you are told that you are so mature and so grown-up and can't they see? 
you want them to be proud. 
will this make them proud? 

dance in the rain, get drunk on champagne, set off some fireworks and laugh when they explode. 
a birthday's just a day, but anyone can tell you every day matters 
especially this. 
you will grow up eventually. 
adulthood can wait. 

open this present. 
will you like it? 



18 years old

More by yejunee

  • ouroborous

    the snake is hungry 

    so the snake will eat 

    and eat it does, chewing, gnawing, 

    and will you ever notice, little thing, 

    that it is your own tail 

    you are swallowing? 


  • abalone

    from salt and foam and scales 

    steal the hearts of stone 

    nacreous shells, dying husks, 

    the honey-sweet flesh that once 

    clung to its bones 

    to die of thirst. 

  • eschatology

    meet me at the end of the world 

    the space between firestorms and tsunamis 

    across the acid oceans 

    and here, where the rot 

    has begun to reclaim the cities at last.