


18 years old


  • By yejunee


    dreams of saltwater and sand 
    running down the coastline with my brother's laughter in my ears 
    taste the brine, bitter on my lips, 
    dive through the foam into a gilded green. 
  • By yejunee


    take me to Neverland, Peter Pan, 
    take me to a place where i don't have to grow up. 

    pirates will chase me, fairies will bite me, 
    mermaids will drown me beneath a golden lagoon, 
  • By yejunee


    They say you always have a choice 
    and you do, on some parts. 
    It is you when you are kind. 
    It is you when you are cruel. 
    You made yourself and this is you, 
  • By yejunee

    open the box, pandora

    Life doesn't go the way we want it to. 
    It twists, sometimes, opens, unlocks, 
    bubbles purple and simmers green and boils black, 
    hungry monsters under the lid. 

    But you know that, don't you? 
  • By yejunee

    we are lightning

    we are Lightning
    we are bone, we are breath, we are blood, animals with crowns
    hunters and the hunted. 

    we are Selfish and Selflessand cruel and kind and carry the promise of an Infinity. 
  • By yejunee

    a question for my mother

    i never asked my mother to love me. 
    she does so anyway, unrelentingly, thanklessly, 
    and i owe her something for this, i think 
    but i don't know what. 

    she gave up so much for the child in her belly