


18 years old


  • By yejunee

    Beneath My Fingernails

    My fingernails are dark from what is beneath,
    their edges dripping like claws, like
    slaughter fresh from the battlefield, like
    the kind of oil spill that stains the sea. 
    My nails are dark, and black, from 
  • By yejunee

    golden boy

    you know, i always thought he had it easy. compared to me, anyway. like, think about it. our parents weren't planning on two kids, they only wanted one, and they had this big dream of the perfect kid. the kind of kid you see on television.

  • By yejunee

    between the pages

    make an art out of the space between the pages 
    behind the lines, in the crook of climax and falling action. 
    it is not so bad, being invisible. 
    you will never weep for a lover, a parent, a sibling, a friend 
  • By yejunee

    a reason to stay

    i take the joy in the little things 
    moments easily forgotten 
    but i cling onto them with the desperation 
    of a promised salvation 
    because they are, they really are, 
  • By yejunee


    today, i drop a blueberry on my bedsheets 
    and watch as it stains, 
    a blotch of dark bruise-purple 
    that doesn't come out no matter how much i 

    today, my father remembers a me 
  • By yejunee

    can't you save us?

    the kid who sits behind you in class says, "i really should just kill myself," 
    and each time you say, "please don't," 
    and you try to joke about it, the two of you, because it's a game, isn't it?