


15 years old


  • Lullaby

    Carried by the songbird’s wings 

    Through forests bright, caverns dim, 

    Flying in the wild wind.  

    Tears have been shed and goodbyes have been said 

    And the light is leaving from your eyes. 

  • If Love was a Garden

    If love was a garden, I’d let it grow wild

    Because what use is love that’s tamed?

    There, the honeybees would be the messengers, passing letters of sweet nothings from the sun to the flower’s soft buds

  • Carefree Honeybee

    Carefree Honeybee, 

    Don’t you see the hope you’ve given me?

    I’ve climbed up and up and up but the end seems never closer, and I’m reaching reaching reaching for a dream that’s never there.

  • The First Light

    In the First Light, I am stepping out into rays of golden sunlight, and I am floating through air that is buoyant with the songbird's melodies
