If Love was a Garden

If love was a garden, I’d let it grow wild

Because what use is love that’s tamed?

There, the honeybees would be the messengers, passing letters of sweet nothings from the sun to the flower’s soft buds

And there, the bleeding hearts would finally heal their wounds in the bliss of eternity

In the garden, the branches would not be pruned, because love is a force unstoppable

And if you saw your reflection in the clear waters of the robin's bath, you’d only smile and pass by, for self loathing would have no home there

The songbirds would sing in the daylight, hymns of hope that carry far and wide

The seeds would be planted, not in tidy rows, but randomly, so like star-crossed lovers

In the night, despair would never descend, because even through heartbreak there is light, shining through with the moon's gentle rays, illuminating a future untold 

For each love that’s lost, another would be reborn,

And even in the throes of death, a flower would still spring from the ground.

Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Spring '24: Writing Contest.



15 years old

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