


14 years old


  • By star

    until i leave

    There are four days now until I leave.
    It's unbelievable;
    surreal, honestly.
    Typically I hate leaving the warm cocoon of home,
    where life is predictable--
    But life,
    I am sorry to say,
    is never
    not ever
  • By star

    Last Day

    We run out of the auditorium
    screaming, shrieking,
    finally free.

    We walk through the woods
    to the pond
    near our school
    where we will spend
    the last day of sixth grade.
    (Though hasn't it been summer for weeks already?)
  • By star

    Hearts Are Tricky Things

    Hearts are tricky things.

    They beat,
    they break,
    they shatter to bits
    if you are not careful.
    Hearts should come
    in a package that says
    Handle with care

    in yellow tape on the outside.
  • By star


    I am the person
    who cowers in corners
    hides behind
    the what-ifs and could-have-beens
    because she is afraid.
    I am the person
    whose shout is merely a whisper,
    whose footsteps leave no imprint on the ground.
    I am the person
  • By star

    In the Woods

    Sunlight dances
    across the leaf-covered ground
    as we step into the woods
    tucked away behind my school.
    The trees,
    once stark and bare,
    now burst with brilliant green.
    A light breeze ruffles my hair,
    and I know
  • By star

    Calliope's Odyssey Chapter 1

    I walk through my garden in the chilly night air. Shivering, I look longingly back towards my house, wishing I could just grab a cardigan from my room and be done with it.