The more you became a memory, the more I'd fall in love.
I still remember that night.
But I remember before, even more. I dreamed of you at night
I wrapped myself in your arms by day.
It was exactly what I wanted, just you, all of you
until it became real.
I still remember when the words I'd yearned to hear for ages spilled from your
Lips. My rationality ran away from me
so I ran away from you. Time
passed. The more you became a memory, the more
I'd fall in love. But the second your name lit up my lock screen,
my heart would start pounding
and I couldn't really breathe
and it didn't feel...
good. Do I push you away
because I'm too in love to even process it?
Because I'm not ready to commit to something
real? Or because I never truly loved you
from the start?
(make author anonymous anywhere other than ywp. thanks!)
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