Sophie Dophie

Sophie Dophie


16 years old


  • Your fault

    I’m not old enough to vote

    I'm not old enough to drive

    I’m not old enough to drink

    I’m not even old enough to go to the bathroom without asking permission??

  • Perfect puzzle

    Once upon a time there was a puzzle, a picture perfect puzzle, that was me.

    But now pieces are falling out of, instead of into, place

    Slipping and sliding and just out of reach

  • Playing Pretend

    Do you remember those days when we would play pretend and imagine for fun?


    Now it’s different


    We pretend that everything will be okay even though we cannot tell


  • Vent

    She fears men. She fears what they’re capable of, what they can get away with, their strength and their power. The ironic thing is that her greatest desire and wish is for validation, to be liked. Specifically by men.
