Sawyer Fell

Sawyer Fell


18 years old


  • I Knew Her in '05

    She wanes in the sky, 
    looming over the clouds and 
    prancing upon the darkness above 
    me. I knew her all 
    too well, I knew her 

    just well enough to know
    how the highlights of her 
  • The Bear

    The Bear has once again greeted me 
    in the dining room during lunch. 
    He has slumped behind the office desk 
    covered in coffee stains and piled receipts. 
    He reads the obituaries in the daily 
  • Snowed In

    In a blue house with a red roof
    lays a scraggly dog and his human.
    The frost creeps up in their sleep,
    decorating the house in winter,
    crafting a vignette by the furnace.

    These two young beings snore
  • Dwindling Trilogy

         I. Bassinet Mouth

    soak her up, wring her out
    spill the milk, bassinet mouth
    may will come, oh it will go
    pop them down, by heavens row

    scrape the edge, blend it too
    crack her mirror, doll’s dear youth
  • Zanzi

    Once Birch was bought
    she left, feeling lost.
    She placed covered pawprints
    and settled in snow;
    found without a whisper.

    Oh, zingy old Zanzibar,
    we’ll meet after March.
    Close behind the barn,
    summer ferns will form


  • Moon

    Magnificent beams glow around the beautiful ball of light floating in the night sky


    Orbiting earth, all day and night, visiting every inch of the world


  • My Love Poem

    If I could paint the sky in the hues of colors I feel when I look at you,

    The sky would no longer be just one color.

    If I could write in words how much I love you,

  • First Snow of Winter

    The salt rained down like stars, scattering their souls across the ebony pavement. It burned through microscopic flakes of glass that lay there, turning to liquid ash. Like a forest fire, life began to sprout within the constellation's cradle.

  • So No One Can See

    After a night of snow (always a fitful night for the clouds, I think, tossing and turning, trying to coat the earth evenly with their powdery delights), when our driveways are indistinguishable from the white and more white around them, my neighbo