


16 years old


  • Dolphin

    When you breathe, breathe in happiness,
    Thoughts of what you could be if there was peace.
    Circle your hand in the water.
    It goes around forever, it breathes with you.
    If you rest, let your whole body rest.
  • Chaos

    My eyes hurt
    I scrunch then up but it doesn't work
    They're burning
    Tears spring to my eyes and I close them
    Purple and green swirling around in an amoeba of thoughts
    The nebula of my brain creeps out of my head and onto the floor
  • Lemony Olives

    I have just come downstairs from getting dressed in fancy clothes,
    And I decide that it's time to go on a little scavenger hunt.
    I open the fridge with a flourish and an evil smile on my face.