I'll Always Remember
I know sometimes
I act like I don't like you.
Or I don't think about you.
And I wish that was different.
Because I think you're awesome. But
I feel nervous
Because I really want to be good to you.
I know you look up to me. -
The Wind Blew
The sky glowed golden as a brisk breeze blew. Today was the day. After today, nothing would be the same again.
Vermonter magic
A Vermonter can't explain
to anyone else
how they can tell
when it's about to snow.
The sky seems full,
like it just took a huge breath and is just waiting —
waiting! —
to let it out, -
a prism
red the color of a melting strawberry popsicle
orange the color of a long warm knit sweater
yellow the color of a field with long green blades that are tinted gold when the sun glances off of them -
The Rose
A shy boy sits in the front row,
Watching the show with his heart in his throat.
She looked so beautiful,
Singing with all her heart.
She had the most beautiful voice.
Only an ensemble member,
She still shone on the stage, -
I Wish For The Galaxies
I wish to eat the moon
To feel it's smooth, cold-pudding like taste on my tongue.
It would slip around my mouth like a cool cheesecake,
Like milk chocolate.