Chapter 1 Of My Untitled Book
Any edits? Please share. Anything you think is great? Please share. Anything you think is terrible and I should change immeditely? PLEASE PLEASE SHARE. Thanks!!! Also, this goes with a prologue. -
Prologue of My Book
Hi, this is a work in progress. Please tell me what you think :) Also, I know a lot of this isn't exactly realistic, like a pregant woman surviving on discarded scraps. Sorry. -
A Poem of Joyful Tears
You say you're sad but I've seen you smiling
There is no difference between yellow and blue if you look close enough.
Toxic bugspray smells like fresh apples
And cold ice cream hurts my teeth. -
i love you
i love you, i say, and then pass right by.
past the beautiful night sky with it's twinkling dots.
past my kind mother and
father and my sister
and i walk past with out a second glance -
The purple craves for more against the grays of the sky and the blues of the frocks
Of people who don't understand purple