i love you

i love you, i say, and then pass right by. 
past the beautiful night sky with it's twinkling dots.
past my kind mother and
father and my sister
and i walk past with out a second glance
i love you, i say carelessly, throwing the words out to the wind where anyone can take them.
i say them over a shoulder so that they float away, untouchable
i say them to the water that floats around me and the soft pajamas i wear
i love you, i say, barely knowing the words are coming out of my mouth
my mind on other things, my tongue forming the sounds so that my brain doesn't have to do anything
i love you
is the carefree song i sing to the afternoon air
i love you, love you, love you
the words bedazzle the clouds in the sky, the water that runs along just like me, without sparing a thought for the things around me.
i love you! i shout, and continue on my way,
never once thinking that if i put something into the i love yous they might mean
a little something more. 



16 years old

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