


16 years old


  • Light Pink

    The world seems pink when
    Everything drops down with a sigh
    Life is a slow laundry wash
    Turning around, soapy bubbles filling the world
    With sleepy deep brown eyes and soft silken pillows
    The summer scent fills the house
  • For My Sister

    This poem is for my sister
    And the days we spend together
    The afternoons we spend outside on the swings pretending to be characters
    The movies we watch that we both love
    The books we read that we can have long conversations about.
  • The Green

    The green is slowly creeping back into the world.
    Those who had forgotten now stand up,
    Lift their heads from where they've been curled up against the beating down of the world for months and months,
    Sniff the green,
  • The Truth

    "The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with extreme caution." - Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbeldore.