


14 years old


  • Questions, More, Or Less.

    Equations stretch across a gridded page,
    Looking like a jumble of lines and curves,
    But they answer questions,
    That have been wondered for ages, 
    And they solve the riddles of our world,
  • The Flowers Of Your Personality

    The flowers of your personality
    Are always in full bloom.
    The bees buzz around them,
    Inspired by your strength.
    The weeds are not present,
    Repelled by your stance.
    The hummingbirds flutter,
    Admiring your peace.
  • Carefree drops

    The rain pitter-patters against the roof,
    Dripping down the sides.
    The pipes treat the steady streams
    Like a water slide,
    Twisting and turning their way down.
    The constant drops thrum in my ears,
    Echoing like a shout in a cave.
  • Free, As It Should Be

    The wind whips across the waves,
    Howling, and whistling,
    Ringing in my ears.
    It blows closely to the water,
    Not giving it any choice
    But to give in,
    And roll along the surface.
    It washes away the clouds,
  • Respect From The Scenery

    The sand parts beneath my feet,
    making way for my stance,
    knowing that I am stronger.

    The cool waves lap at my feet,
    rushing over the skin,
    knowing I need relief from the sand
    that feels as hot as the sun.
  • A Distance That Doesn't Show

    My legs launch of the block,
    At the sound of the buzzer.
    I glide smoothly into the water,
    Forming delicate splashes,
    And tiny waves.
    My feet kick,
    Pushing and pulling the water.
    My arms haul me forward,
