A Determination to Grow

Little berries lie in front of me,

The seeds still clinging to the vine,

The red still darkening to black.

They greedily soak up the sun,

Their cloroplasts begging for the light,

Their leaves fanning open.

They are determined to grow,

Continuing to grow pigment,

Gathering it within the pulp, juice, and skin.

Their vine stretches across the rocks,

Wanting to give the fruit enough space,

Wanting to put them in the best position.

Each and every cell is hard at work,

Every organelle doing its job

To the best of its ability.

The system is delicate,

Filled with parts the others rely on,

Easy to breach if you mess something up.

Still, there is a strength,

A team pouring in everything they have,

Every spark of energy,

Into gettling little blackberries to grow.




14 years old

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