Happy Winter

Happy Winter

Winter is actually my favorite season,
I love the snow more than I hate the cold,
Shaking trees full of snow while standing under them,
Rolling down a hill, trying to get covered in snow and look like a snowman,
I never turn into a snowman,
I just get cold.

Snow covers the dead leaves and crops,
Everything out there that looked dirty, is suddenly pure white,
Snow has a refreshing but distinct taste,
People think I’m crazy, but fresh snow tastes like cucumbers.

The scraping of plows against the road every day at 5 am is playful and happy,
It lets me know there is fresh snow, another layer to the already two-foot blanket,
My dad plows snow in the driveway,
He makes a huge pile of snow for me, despite my age of 14.

Everything about winter is beautiful,
Looking out the window at the icicles, then looking back a week later,
Astonished at how large and mighty they are,
But it only takes a small force to knock them down.

-Katelyn Johnson




20 years old

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