


15 years old


  • Blue Is Everything

    blue is everything
    a bright sky
    with little puffs of clouds
    with a bright, friendly blue as a backdrop
    means happiness

    blue is everything
    the old friendly house
    a reminder of home
    with an air of broken joy
  • I feel so broken

    i feel so broken
    sitting shattered at the desk
    doodling in a notebook
    forgetting the world around me

    it's all a blur now
    endless sheets of paper to take home
    only two days to interact
    huddling on the couch, sore and tired
  • wings

    the birds moved across the sky
    peppering the sky in a regular grey
    unafraid, it seems,
    of what could be to come.

    their largest problem is that the tree is out of
    bright red berries that
    keep them fed.
  • reach it

    this is written for the artists
    who's brushes paint believing tales
    across a canvas's plain face

    this is written for the writers
    who spin lore from broken pencils
    and bloom flowers from a keyboard