


15 years old


  • I hope ...

    I hope this will be over,
    that all the anger
    will finally end.

    I hope that people can open their eyes
    and see that we are not all that different
    just because of something on the outside.

    I hope that people can realize
  • i've forgotten

    I've forgotten that the sky is blue
    which some say should be hard
    and yet
    look up.

    I've forgotten that rain is not black
    that it falls in a straight line
    but now
    it twists with the wind and is black as night
  • last day

          My hands brush against the dead grass, something once so green now unrecognizable. The sky is black with smoke, though there are no clouds. I pull up my mask slightly, trying to stop ash from getting inside.
  • weaving words

    Weaving words
    Is not an easy task
    They must align perfectly
    To come out well

    The finished product
    Is always different
    Than the last

    Today, it is soft and silky
    Flowing and ending in harmony
  • leaf

    some days I feel like a fresh green leaf
    drifting, floating,
    twirling with the wind
    riding high

    some days I feel like a dried-out leaf
    crunched on, stepped on,
    for someone's entertainment