


15 years old


  • Hiding Away

    There's a glowing white box
    That just won't relent
    Because one more thing will pop up
    In the corner
    Or maybe the left or right

    When I write
    When I communicate
    When I photograph
    When I watch
    It's there
  • The Village

    Deep in an earthy valley of roots and trees
    Sat a small village of burrows and dens
    Wildlife of all kind called the village home
    From deer to fishercat to little house wrens

    A happy family of white-tailed deer
  • Rainy Day

    It's a dreary day just before the official kickoff of summer
    Flowers have already churned through their entire life cycle
    Although some leaves and petals hold their core as the rain showers down
  • You Thought You Knew

    And even though you said you wanted it
    You said so because you just wanted to want something but away your wants flit
    For the sake of your own clarity and the sake of your own wit
    You never said out loud that you did want it because
  • Cry

    Some complain over their uncomfortable habit of crying even at "the littlest things"
    They even shame themselves over their tears upon mere subjects that are spoken of