new year, old me
moments like these are built up to be phenomenal.
some naturally-occurring, life changing feeling, as the
fireworks fly and the glasses clink. but it's only a matter of time
notes on crying
my eyes look greener when i cry,
but only in the mirror.
i think i'm pretty when i cry,
but only when i'm alone.
i never wear waterproof mascara,
because i like the way the regular kind
a year ago today, i wrote a poem,
and i remember i was really proud of it.
hung it up on my wall and everything when it made the newspaper.
a year ago today, i took the grey-brown frown of november
and molded it into metaphors with my own two hands. looking -
Why I Love Stars
Flash on, flash off.
Incapturable, immeasurable.
Maybe it won't be this way forever
but today, only we can see them. Just us.
Our little human secret.
White dots, bits of erasure
on a dark canvas. -
Lake Days
When the sky is so quiet
and I have no looming thing
to do, I sit in the silence and wait
till the loon calls, slippery back
and white head popping up from
the annual lake, our annual lake,
twists its head left and right
Men and Dogs
“Men are dogs,” I say to my friend as she kneels at the foot of her bed, like a child waiting for her mother’s strong arms. Yet, I am her friend tonight, so my scrawny arms make a cheap cradle.
This is what I know to be undeniably true:
1. No matter how much I wait or how much help I receive I still have to save myself.
2. Nobody will ever truly know me as well as I do.
Fourth Day of Sun (Her Someday Has Come)
In the prior Autumn, the air smelled of leaf carcasses
and her abundant unused potential.
In efforts to cope she wrote of downpours,
breakup boots, and predicted wasted experiences.
She rebelled against her own sense of self, yet