


18 years old


  • mango


    freshly picked,
    hanging from the trees,
    some may fall,
    right from their leaves

    exposed and naked in the summer heat,
    when suddenly arrive the sound of feet,
    product of a plump chimpanzee,
  • The Time is Now

    When I woke up, it took me a second to realize that I was not in my own bed, but in an airplane over the sea. This is quite ironic, I think to myself as I hum the tune I previously had stuck in my head.
  • Where the flowers bloom

    She dreamed of someone who couldn’t quite be placed
    Someone who had the power to, if even just for a moment, make her world of gray appear green
    Plentiful with life and flowers of every color


  • The Storm's Eye

    The sky 
    blows in more snow,  

    a breath 
    from frozen elsewhere. 

    There is a storm 

    inside the silent rage
    of the storm,

    inside God’s eye, 