Where the flowers bloom

She dreamed of someone who couldn’t quite be placed
Someone who had the power to, if even just for a moment, make her world of gray appear green
Plentiful with life and flowers of every color
The birds would chirp, finally free from the cage in her mind
The sun would rise with the day and as it shone, telling the flowers it was time to stretch 
And at night she would not fear that she was alone,
For her someone was looking over her
Saying the words
Let your mind be free

She hoped her someone would stay around,
However hopes are just that

Her someone left without warning during the night
And to her dismay, she was left alone.
Her someone would no longer look over her

Without them she was left in silence
Her world once again returned to gray
The birds swarmed back into the cage of her mind 
The once beautiful flowers wilted into sorrow
She longed for a once familiar face
Feeling alone as a result of her own limitations

She could not help but wonder,
Without them, what am I?




18 years old

More by elieobrien