Take It Back
Take back your mink
Take back your pearls
Take back your diamonds
Take back your words
You gave to me
Take it all back
I packed your bags and added a few of mine
No extra cost
I just want to make sure you get it all -
The Ring
Here is my ring for you
Yes, it’s a bit small
I had small fingers when I was young
Put it on your second finger
Just there, it will stick a little
Here, take it off for me
I’ll bend it and shape it to fit your skin -
Ocean Girl
Wet is the skin on the back of her neck
Wet from the brine and wet from the air
Wet is the sea that caresses her feet
And the wind that entangles her hair.
Big are her eyes that encompass the sea -
Characters 1
The protagonist of my play is named Fernando. He is overinthusiastic, slightly dorky, and enjoys acting. He is not very experienced as an actor, and often gets mixed up; reading other people's lines, prouncing stage directions instead of doing them. -
Play Idea
Sorry for chiming in so late. Here is my idea: -
What I Thought About While Waiting To Test-Drive Cars
Global Warming.
If looking at my phone while the guy was talking was rude.
What the country singers on TV in the waiting area were singing.
Why there was also music playing from ceiling at the same time as the country singers were on TV.