


12 years old


  • Cinderella


    With her strong arms 

    From scrubbing the floors 


    With her patience 

    From working with horrible people 


    With her kind heart 

  • The little leaf

    Every day

    At a 3

    I would walk home

    Taking the same path

    In fall I would admire

    The trees and colors

    One evening I saw a tree

    With one little leaf

    It was bright red

    Standing out against

  • Each time

    Each time a leaf falls

    Another heart shatters

    Each time the wind blows

    Another break up

    But each time a pumpkin is carved

    A date is planned

    Each time a cider donut is devoured

    Another kiss

  • I Just Really Like You

    Hand in hand we walked down the path, littered with colorful leaves. A gust of wind swirled the leaves around us. Encompassing us in our own little world. I looked up, the trees bent over us with shades of red, orange and yellow.

  • Anxiety

    Tendrils of anxiety 

    Snake out 

    And trap me 

    Opening a hole 

    Where my brain 

    Goes down 

    Finding everything 

    That could go wrong 

    A new crack in me


  • Walking

    You called this my "sulk walk"

    You said just to talk to you when I'm upset

    But I don't have you anymore 

    I don't have anyone here


    I blocked her out so she won't get burned by my fire

  • School

    What is there to do now? I don't know   
    My eyes are open but my mind somewhere else 
    Can't stay awake, can't stay focused 
    I only hear the air from the window pass 

  • The Season of Death

    Death reaches his hands

    Shrivels leaves

    Rips them up

    Soon the ghosts and ghouls will scream

    They've waited all year for Halloween

     But this death is not a scary thought

    In fact it's comforting

  • Idea of missing

    I wasn't sure what to think.

    I never wanted that.

    I didn't question love.

    I didn't realize,

    I was missing the idea of missing.

    It was maybe strange,

    to want to connect...

    old and new.