


12 years old


  • Every Little Girl

    To every little girl out there 

    With big dreams 

    And bright eyes 

    I hope that by the time 

    You reach middle school 

    Our world will be different 

  • I really hope she wins

    I knew this was coming 

    I knew he would run again 

    Every four years 

    And yet it still comes 

    With a shock 

    Then she stepped in 

    Giving me hope 

    Calling him out 

  • Prepared

    Every day when I wake up

    I feel as if

    There is a wave above me

    Ready to crash

    Or as if I'm holding on

    To a hand

    As I hang off a cliff

    And they might let go

    I try to be prepared

  • Blocked You

    It's the 5th time

    You've exploded

    All because I didn't agree

    With you

    Each time

    I would sit

    Confusion clouding my brain

    What did I do?

    At first I would try

    To apologize
