This Bench
There is this bench in a park.
It has a plaque
Dedicated to a man
Who sat there every day
And watched the world go by.
I wonder what he was like,
What he saw.
As I sit here
Watch The World Go By
I sit quietly on a path
In a park
And watch the world go by.
People walk by,
Runners run by,
Birds fly by,
And spiders crawl across me.
Some stop to rest.
Summer Storms
Summer storms
Are sudden and strong
A warm summer beachy day
And rain
And more rain
And even more rain
oh god how is november almost over
on november first we said
ohgodit'snovemberalreadywheredidallthetimego taking
up all the time in the world with our breath.
on november fifth we said
ohgodpleaseprotectushavemercyonoursins praying
I scroll through the options
Endless rows
And rows
And rows
Of smileys
And animals
And faces
And people
And things.
I scroll through the multicolored hearts
The laughing faces