


14 years old


  • my love

    ah, my darling-
    the moon, so full and bright!

    shining above, whispering in the wind-
    my darling, the moon

    tomorrow clouds may cover her-
    next week, she'll wane away.

  • shadows and snow

    how the days seem dreary now-
    no more than the day she left.

    the clouds grey and foreboding-
    the candles flicker, shadows dance
    reminding me so painfully of that day

  • encaged

    the water, like a glass between-
    the other world, and me

    here i am, in this imprisonment-
    the rivers, bars of my cage

    i swim-
    but never can i break the surface.

    what deed have i done-
    to deserve such a punishment?

  • to see the universe

    the universe exists everywhere
    but it's hidden

    in every second of silence
    in every mindful moment

    only there can you see the wholeness of the world

    only when you step out of the city
    with its noise and smoke

  • Mother Earth

    mother nature she is called – mother earth

    yet what kind of mother is she?

    letting her children hurt themselves and their brothers

    letting them kill each other for entertainment, for "food"
