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  • Lake


    You are still, but the bright trees around you shake. 

    Colored leaves fall onto your surface.

    The wind howls, but you are calm. 

  • My City, My City

    My city, my city

    It takes many forms

    In people and plants

    Vines and beggars

    Angry men and sour women

    The worst of the best people 

    And the best of the worst

    Poets and great minds

  • Meeting Place

    Meet me at the River’s End

    where waters slow and sink

    where bank gives way to the bottomless depths

    below the siren’s screams


    Meet me in the Mountain Shade

  • Sugaring

    Steam rises from the chimney
    with a G-rated "come hither"
    into the cerulean blue sky.

    You feel drawn towards it
    like a moth to a porch light
    on a warm June evening.
    "Come hither."