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You spend most of your childhood wanting to grow up. You dream of all the things you'll do, the people you'll meet, the freedom of a life where you are the captain of your own ship.
Thinking About You
I never thought about you in the daytime
When the sun spread like melted butter over the dwindling
Blueberry bushes.
I’d scavenge with them
Counting Flowers
I rang the doorbell to your heart,
and throughout your house it rang,
a bouquet of astilbes in one hand
and in the other a pink dove.
I carved it of cherry wood just for you,
Cradling a Glint of Inspiration
Is such a delicate thing,
Such an intricate dance
Between emotions and ideas,
A soft sparkle
Falling Leaf
Dear Diary,
Today was strange. I met a man riding a mule. He was a queer looking sorta man, all sticks and bones and hair. He even had an eye-patch!