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  • Forgotten

    The forgotten things are here
    And the forgotten things are there
    All the forgotten things are everywhere
    Up and down the street
    Just beneath our feet
    And floating through the air
    Forgotten things do not feel jealousy

  • My Voice

    A million words fight to break free.

    So many, that I cannot speak.

    I try and I try, but it doesn’t matter.

    I am mute, my voice lost to this world.

    I have so many things to say.

    So many emotions to convey.

  • Rehearsal

    We're backstage, giddy with nerves and

    tired out of our minds, whisper-laughing as we mess 

    with our hair, with each other, try to put on makeup in the dark. 

  • The Lonely Wanderer

    As the sun sets, and the dusk sinks into the world just like any night, the lonely wanderer treks up his mountain, once again. Nobody knows who he is, or where he came from. He’s essentially a folk tale, a ghost story.