It was almost like magic

The way you cast a spell over me

The way you part your hair takes my breath away, you see

You're so effortless, and I know you're worthwhile

Even when you say you're the worst, you still make me smile


It is you that I look forward to

In those boring school days where the even the homework papers sulk solemnly

They too wish were they were crumpled, torn apart

But the moment you arrive here,

So does the sun to my heart


It feels like a dream

Even holding you and feeling your touch against me is serene

Your striking, emerald eyes hypnotize me and cast me in a daze

My tender heart and my face are instantly set ablaze

This fire, I don't want it to go away


Where did you come from?

My dreams, of course

But even all dreams aren't meant to come true

Yet here I am, in the presence of you

I hope how I convey my love to you comes through


Because you're my everything

You're my devil, and you're my angel

You're my now, and you're my forever

If I were more sensible, my brain would start sounding an alarm

But I just can't resist your charm

No point in thinking about what lies tomorrow when I'm asleep in those arms


It's true

I love you


Noah Carmona


19 years old

More by Noah Carmona


    Through this ocean wet.

    My voice, free to thrive.

    Sea fish within dive.

    Reach in, draw the net.


    There you are, at last…

    Tell me what you have seen…

    Tell me everything…

  • A TREE

    A tree

    A stationary tree

    The bark so righteous; its core so pure

    The leaves illuminate with the sunlight

    The roots befriend the live earth

    All as one, freely


    A human

    A cross human


    In the middle of the ocean I lie
    There is not a single cloud in the sky
    The sun beams down and browns my skin evenly
    Drying my skin like a towel, boiling my blood like tea;