Through this ocean wet.

My voice, free to thrive.

Sea fish within dive.

Reach in, draw the net.


There you are, at last…

Tell me what you have seen…

Tell me everything…

Drip oozed from the bass.


Toss away, reach in.

Javelin, strike hard.

Pierce my heart apart.

And yet, it’s all vain.


Where did my brain go...

Where did the fish fish...

Dance with my days, swish

through unconscious flow.


Only to be drawn,

raised to the heavens.

It zoomed through its lens.

Bent, smelling of prawns.


Tossed to the shallow,

The dripping, blue bass

tracked my descent as

I breathed, gasped, swallowed.


I wade with the waves,

drawing with the prawns

spawning beyond dawn.

My voice leads the day.

Posted in response to the challenge Spring: Writing Contest.

Noah Carmona


19 years old

More by Noah Carmona

  • A TREE

    A tree

    A stationary tree

    The bark so righteous; its core so pure

    The leaves illuminate with the sunlight

    The roots befriend the live earth

    All as one, freely


    A human

    A cross human


    In the middle of the ocean I lie
    There is not a single cloud in the sky
    The sun beams down and browns my skin evenly
    Drying my skin like a towel, boiling my blood like tea;