We Will Be Heard

I live. I love. I learn. I have friends and family, loved ones and lost ones. And so do you. And so does every single person on earth, and yet our eyes slide from one car to the next as we drive down the highway, passing a police cruiser sitting beside the wreckage of a car crash. We don't ever pause to think, "What's going on in their life, in their head?" No one is 'just another person'. No one lives a life that you shouldn't care about.
Each day, when I hear of a death from the spread of COVID-19, or just anyday when I hear of car crashes and other incedents, I wonder how it must feel to be someone who loved them. I wish I could mourn for everyone, but I cannot. So I'm trying to make a difference, wether it's just doing my job as a citizen and staying inside during quarintine, or if it's going out there and raising money for the stopping of COVID-19. We can be heard. We're being heard. We're making a difference every time we stay inside, every second we do anything that brightens someones day and makes them smile.
Write. Draw. Build. Speak. Create. Do something that can be heard, wether it's just in your neighborhood, or town, or state, or country. We need to be heard, and we will be heard, by your friends. If no one notices it exept for one person, you changed one's persons day. No one is just another person, and every smile you make happen is a win for all of us. And while it seems what we do doesn't make a difference in 'the real world', it does. This is the real world, and everything we do counts.



15 years old

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