Walking Man, and the Road to Nowhere

"Hello, sir. Where might you be headed?" A lady on the street questions.
"Oh, you wouldn't be interested." The man answers.
"You would be surprised at all that I am willing to believe right now!" 
"Would I?" The wandering man asks. The lady hesitates.
"Yes, I think you would. Tell me where you're going and we'll see if it's true." She starts to walk, coming up next to the man.
"Alright, let's see," he begins, "I am headed down the road to nowhere." The woman's face twists and she laughs awkwardly.
"What?" She says. The man's stride quickens and he swiftly marches away, his chin up high. 

Two days later, the man is passing through a farm to purchase food and drink. 
"Hello, I'd like some of your tastiest pecans and a bottle of your finest milk."
"Sure thing." The cashier says. As he hands the goods to the walking man, he notices the large bag on the man's back. 
"Long trip?" He asks.
"Some might say that. I don't measure the length. My mind is usually distracted by the things that happen while I'm walking." The traveling man explains.
"What kind of things?" The cashier wonders aloud.
"Oh, I'm sure you wouldn't care." 
"I've learned to care about many things, my friend. Try me." 
"Alright. The most common things I've seen are probably the people who come and ask me, 'where are ya' headed?"." The man replies.
"And what is your answer?" The cashier asks. The walking man sighs.
"I'm headed down the road to nowhere." The cashier stares blankly, dumbfounded. He coughs, the man turns on his heel and leaves the store with his chin up high. 

Many weeks later, the word of the "Walking Man" got out. People were confused, trying to decode his riddle, "I'm headed down the road to nowhere." What could it mean? They all decided that the only way to truly discover the answer was to go everywhere he went. Perhaps they could find out what the road to nowhere actually was. Along the way, the people saw brilliant sights, heard astounding music, and did so much of what they had always dreamt of doing. Once they had experienced it all, they came to a stop at a great cliff. Right on the edge, standing silently, was the Walking Man. 

He turned quietly, with a smile on his face. 
"Hello, everyone. I'm so glad you came." He grinned. The people weren't sure if they were to be happy, for there was no obvious reason to laugh. 
"Welcome to the road to nowhere." He held out his hands and gestured toward the world. The cashier from the farm pushed his way to the front of the crowd.
"What do you mean? What is the road to nowhere?" He asked. The Walking Man laughed. 
"Ah, you all are so anxious about my words. Well, if you want to know, I can't tell you." He said with a smirk.
"Why is that?"
"Because I didn't walk it!" He smiled, "Well, I didn't walk the same one." 

The people didn't know what to think. Was this man a fake, or was there something they missed? The lady from the street raised her hand.
"Excuse me, sir. Are you saying that we walked... the road to nowhere?" The Walking Man sighed.
"The road to nowhere isn't an actual road, my friends. You could have chosen to stay home or to keep doing the things you love, which wouldn't have been a bad idea, but instead, you decided to try and discover the answer to my words! You all have done completely new and exciting things, have you not?"
They all thought about their journey.
"We have, haven't we?" The cashier said. 
"Yes, you have. My plan wasn't to walk down the road to nowhere," he says, "it was to get you to walk yours too."

Scarry Night


16 years old

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