Chilly hands
close to purple,
arms wrapped tight around my chest
like ribbon on a birthday gift,
pillow case gripped tight in my fist
the fist that I can barely move
as the wind flits past my shoulders,
my face.
I may be in a random neighborhood
in the dark
with nothing more
than a plastic sword to protect me
but I feel most comfortable on this night.
The air is cool
not cold.
There are dewdrops on the ground
not snow.
'We still have another street'
oh, I know.
My ice cubes of hands may be close to
giving in to gravity
and dropping to the ground
as the rest of me stands still,
but I will not stop
until I get candy,
at least one piece,
from every
'You're home!'
so so happy,
but home.
My mother fills a ceramic mug
that I painted in second grade
with hot apple cider,
exhaling steam.
A touch of cinnamon.
My heart glows.
We empty our pillowcases
on the red and brown
living room rug.
The trees outside bristle
with anticipation.
And the count begins.
123, 124, 125.
'I'm gonna beat you'
178, 179, 180.
'No, you won't'
203, 204, 205.
'I got 205'.
'I got 307!' My sister sneers.
I groan
but I don't really mean it.
My tongue sizzles as I
swallow a sliver of cider.
The trees outside calm,
preparing to sleep.
I look at my pile,
weak next to the monster beside it.
I smile as I throw a sweater over my unkempt hair.
That wasn't the point anyway.
Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Fall '23: Writing.
I understood your indignant determination to carry on through the cold, felt your frenzied anticipation in the candy-counting, and felt too the warmth and safety of home and family -- themes both hidden and highlighted by the actions of the more surface Halloween night. "That wasn't the point anyway." Wise words... you don't even know how right you are. Treasure these memories every year, tuck them somewhere safe!
Thank you, I’m so glad someone can relate to this way I feel in fall and how I look forward to it every year:)
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