
You left long ago

Yet your words still linger

Like a gaping wound

That never heals


Will I ever learn

To expunge the toxins in my veins

That you erected in my heart?


My blood is tainted

With your vitriolic opinions

With words 

I would’ve never used to describe myself—before I met you


My life was a darkling plain

You became a beacon

Radiating hatred

For everything I liked about myself

One day

I will expunge your toxins

I will learn to adore everything you despised about me

One day

The gaping wound will heal

And I will love again.





14 years old

More by Lulu_D

  • Time

    They told me that time would heal the wounds,

    But they couldn’t have been more wrong.


    No matter how many years pass,

    Time does not heal.

    Time buries baggage until you forget,