Tangerine Moon

One night,
one sweet,
silent night,
I looked up at the sky.
I saw stars,
brighter than ever,
and the moon.
On that night,
as I lay in bed,
my eyes threatening 
to close,
threatening to darken the world
with my very own lids,
I turned my head to the window, 
as the sunset was taken 
to be watched,
to be guarded,
by the tangerine moon. 
How beautiful,
how mysterious,
this night was,
for it wouldn't be
so wonderful,
without this
tangerine moon.
Why would it want
to take the sunset
away from us?
Why would it want to 
keep such a thing,
such a wondrous thing,
to itself?
Perhaps it cares so deeply for it,
perhaps it wouldn't want it to be hurt,
by these billions of pairs of eyes. 
These eyes,
who wish to see
magnificent things.
These eyes,
who can't see everything.
These eyes, 
who are soft,
but want to explore the world. 
These eyes,
who cherish
Beauty in the sunset,
beauty in many things,
like the tangerine moon. 

Scarry Night


16 years old

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