the story of bonnie the bunny

             The sun shines bright in the sky. Its rays heated the fields, where there was a bunny hopping in the flowers. The bunny hopped through each flower smiling as she passed each one. She has been hopping every day from dawn till dusk. Only stopping to eat some plants. When dusk falls the bunny is called home. Hopping out of the field and into the woods. The tall grass tickles her belly as she hops. She passed the pond through the dark forest and over the fallen tree trunks to her little mushroom home. Walking through the wooden arch into the kitchen where another rabbit stood.

      “ Where were you?” the rabbit asked. The rabbit stood in front of the sink and looked out to the garden. Their gray hair poked out from underneath the apron they were wearing. A pot of stew sits on top of the burner—a wooden spoon in hand.

      “ I was hopping in the fields,” the bunny replied, taking a seat at the table. Which was in the middle of the room, in front of a staircase. 

      “ What have I told you about hopping in the fields? You need to let me know.” The rabbit scolded. 

      “Yes Mom, I remember.” The bunny said. The stew bubbled on the stove. The sweet scent of cinnamon mixed with the savory scent of pork filled the air. The steam swirls through the air making designs as it floats. The bunny sat there moving her feet back and forth. When the stew was done the mother rabbit poured the stew into a bowl and put it in front of the bunny.

       “Here you go Bonnie,” Her mom said. The steam from the stew warmed Bonnie’s face. Smell surrounded Bonnie. Bringing her happiness. Bonnie loved her mom’s stew. It brought her a sense of comfort. 

       “ Thank you, Mom,” Bonnie replied. Bonnie looked into her mom's eyes and saw the same eyes looking back at her. Big black eyes that sparkle in light. Her mom smiled, and she smiled back. They sat there eating their stew together in comforting silence.




           As the sun rose the next morning, Bonnie’s father was sitting in the living room in an old beat-up chair holding the morning newspaper. His dark gray hair sticking out of his striped nightshirt. Glasses rest upon his face, and a warm cup of tea sits next to him on the side table. A fire rages in the stone fireplace heating the house. Bonnie stepped off the stairs and walked to the couch. The fire cracked as she sat down. The couch sunk in against her weight, the soft cushion felt nice under her hands. 

        “ Good morning, Bonnie,” Her father said as he sipped tea. His newspaper lays face up on his lap revealing what he was reading.  Realization falls onto Bonnie’s face when she reads the front page.

       “ What! Dad, that can’t be right?” Bonnie asked, concern flooding her features, “Right?” Bonnie looks at her father. Sadness swirls behind his eyes. 

       “Yes, Bonnie it’s true,” Her father replied, “ The Rabbitsons lost their house in a fire.” Bonnie has heard about the fires burning in the forest, but she never thought it would happen to someone she knows. 

        “ Do they have a place to stay?” Bonnie questioned. 

        “ No, Bonnie they don’t. They have to live outside and hope to survive,” Her father answered,” at least until they can get a new house.” Bonnie stared at her father in disbelief. The Rabbitson won’t last long outside. The fire is growing rapidly. Even hopping out in the fields is dangerous. Bonnie couldn’t imagine being outside with her family.  

        “ Dad? Do you think we could let the Rabbitsons stay with us?” Bonnie thought this would be a good idea. They had the space. Since Bonnie is the youngest, her older sibling's rooms are open. 

         “ I will have to talk to your mother about it, but I thought you didn’t get along with Daisy Rabbitson?” Her father inquired. Indeed, Bonnie didn’t get along with Daisy but she couldn’t imagine leaving Daisy and her family outside. “ If you want to offer our house I’ll ask, but I want you to be comfortable in your own house,” Her father's words broke Bonnie away from her thoughts. Bonnie knew this would be hard at first but Daisy's family needs support right now.  

         “ Yeah, talk to Mom about it, I will be comfortable with it,” Bonnie said. 


          As midday approached Bonnie’s father contacted the Rabbitsons. He said that his house was open if they wanted to stay with them while they found a new house. The Rabbitsons accepted their offer. They said they would be there soon. Bonnie felt excited. She was happy that she was helping people. She is also hoping that she and Daisy can talk.  They used to be close but Daisy started being mean to her a couple of months ago. Bonnie has no idea why Daisy is being mean to her. Hopefully, this doesn’t turn out to be a mistake. 

         As the day goes on Bonnie and her family set up for the Rabbitsons arrival. The whole house needed to be cleaned. From head to toe. The bedrooms had to be swept. Cobwebs wiped out of corners.  When they were done the house was so clean it almost sparkled.

       Evening crept closer, so dinner time was near. Bonnie and her mother decide to start cooking dinner. Chopping vegetables, listening to them sizzle as Bonnie puts them into the pan. The music of cooking is beautiful, the sound of the knife hitting the cutting board, the sizzling of the pan. Not to mention the smell, the scent of bell peppers mixed with the scent of oil. Halfway through the cooking, there was a knock at the door. Both Bonnie and her mother stopped what they were doing. 

       “ I got the door, Mom,” Bonnie walked to the door, looking through the peephole to see who it was. It was Mr. and Mrs. Rabbitson. They weren’t supposed to be here for another hour. Bonnie opened the door with a smile on her face. “ Welcome to our home, Mr. and Mrs. Rabbitson. I hope you will make yourselves at home,” Mr. and Mrs. Rabbitson walked into the house leaving just Bonnie and Daisy on the porch. Daisy was hiding behind her parents.  Daisy and Boonie just stared at each other for moments. Bonnie forced a smile onto her face and said

      “ Welcome Daisy,” Daisy rolled her eyes and pushed past her and into the house. 


        After everyone ate Bonnie showed the Rabbitsons to their rooms. Daisy still hasn’t spoken a word to Bonnie. It’s fine if Daisy doesn’t want to speak she doesn’t have to. The next couple of days go by the same way. Passive-aggressive gestures and Daisy rolling her eyes at everything Boonie says. Bonnie had enough of the disrespect  Daisy was giving her in her own home. They wouldn’t have a place to stay without Bonnie. This was going to end today. With her mind made up, Bonnie went upstairs to Daisy’s room. She knocked on the door. Bonnie heard the soft footsteps of Daisy. As Daisy opened the door Bonnie ran over what she would say. 

      “ Daisy, what is your problem?” Bonnie yelled as the door opened, “ I gave you a place to stay and you treat me like this! You treat me like I’m scum on your shoe!” Daisy looked at Bonnie in shock. Tears welled in her eyes. 

       “ Really Bonnie! What is your problem? Just because you gave my family a place to stay away from the fire does not mean our problems are fixed!” Daisy screamed back. Tears running down her face. 

       “ I don’t even know what our problem is Daisy, you just started being mean to me a couple of months ago. Which was out of nowhere by the way.” Tears are now in Bonnie's eyes as she continues to yell at Daisy. Daisy slams the door in Bonnie's face. 

       “ Leave me alone!” She shouts through the door. Bonnie is about to knock again but changes her mind.  Bonnie’s mother is standing at the top of the stairs with a concerned look. Bonnie just waves her off and goes to her room.


       Bonnie doesn’t know how long she has been in her room but after what felt like a couple of hours Bonnie heard Mrs. Rabbitson screaming.

       “ Where is Daisy!” “Where is my daughter!” Bonnie poked her head out of her room to see what was going on. All of the adults are around Daisy’s room. 

      “ what’s going on?” Bonnie asked fully stepping out into the hallway. Mr. Rabbitson is comforting Mrs. Rabbitson. Bonnie’s mother and father are both looking around Daisy's room. The window is open and the screen is knocked out. Everything clicks for Bonnie. Daisy must have left through the window. Bonnie had a feeling as to where Daisy was. Not wanting to wait for an answer to her question she rushed downstairs and out of the house. Bonnie ran as fast as she could because if she was right Daisy could be in danger. Running past the other rabbits on the streets. She kept going until she saw Daisy's light brown hair. Bonnie slowly approached Daisy. 

     “ Daisy, what are you doing?” Bonnie asked softly. Daisy’s beautiful brown eyes look into Bonnie's black eyes. Tears still in her eyes. 

      “ Do you hate me?” Daisy murmured. Her words were so quiet you could bearly hear them. 

      “ What? Daisy what?” Bonnie asked again. Bonnie was confused. There is no way she could hate Daisy. Is that why Daisy has been mean to her? Because she thinks Bonnie hates her. 

      “ No Daisy I don’t hate you,” Bonnie answered. A weak smile appeared on Daisy's face. 

      “ You are probably wondering why I asked,” Bonnie nodded. “ A couple of months ago I was told that you were talking bad about me behind my back, and when I tried to talk to you about it you got defensive. So I thought it was true, and back at the house when you said you had no idea what was wrong. I got so angry that I came here, I guess you remember this is where I always go when I’m upset.” Daisy signed. Bonnie had no clue this was what had been happening. 

“ Daisy I’m sorry that this happened. I should talk to you and explain things were Hecate at that time.” Bonnie apologized. The both of them sat there for a while before heading back to the house. After explaining everything to their parents the girls hung out together. Their parents were worried sick. The Rabbitsons hugged their daughter with tears in Mrs. Rabbitson's eyes. They thanked Bonnie for finding their daughter safe and sound. Daisy lifted her head from her mother's embrace and gave Bonnie a thankful smile. The next couple of days Daisy and Bonnie hung out more and more. Repairing a friendship isn’t never easy but if both parties want it to work then it will work. 


                                                          The end 



17 years old

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