Star Trek Fanfiction is Never Not fun

Ben Green sits quietly behind his desk aboard the Roosevelt. He is enthralled deep in thought, but his mind shifts as he notices the streaks of blond, left to slowly fade away on his head. It is now almost entirely covered by white; the kind of white that comes from experience. His uniquely waxed and curled white mustache had been a newer addition than the white of his hair, but he values it a good addition nonetheless.

His thought is broken by the sound of Captain Behlmont. “Bridge to Admiral Green,” he says. “We are will arrive at the Neutral Zone in approximately 7 minutes.”

Ben clears his throat and taps his communications pin. “On my way, Captain,” he replies.

A short time later, Ben steps off the turbolift and onto the bridge of the Roosevelt. “Admiral on deck!” chirps the Chief Security Officer.

“As you were, please,” Ben replies, walking to Captain Finlay Behlmont, a friend of his. 

“Admiral,” he says, motioning for Ben to take the open seat next to him. “We’ll be arriving at the edge of the Neutral Zone soon. Romulan Senate sent a communique confirming our ability to traverse into their space. All outposts and ships have been notified.”

“Very good,” Ben replies as he takes his seat next to Captain Behlmont. “When we get through with this, the Denebian fever will wish it had never given us the opportunity to strengthen diplomatic relations between the Romulans and Federation,” he quips. 

After a few short moments of intermittent small talk and confirmation of the plans, they have arrived at the edge of the Neutral Zone. “Captain, we’ve arrived,” the conn officer informs.

“Get the Olympic and Washington on screen please,” Ben instructs. After a moment, the faces of Captain Ned Selbar and Natalie Heart appear split screen in front of them. “Captains,” Ben says with a slight smile, “yellow alert, be prepared for anything.”

Captain Selbar, a Bolian medical officer who is in command of the Olympic speaks up.  “Admiral, if we are to be attacked…” 

Ben’s voice interrupts. “You are to hightail it back to Federation space. We’ll cover your rear. Green out.” 

Ben motions to cut off transmission. “How cordial of you,” jokes Finlay. 

“Forgive me but I do not feel so great about this.”



16 years old

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