Spring is
taking your new wicker basket,
ambling through a thicket of trees
and reaching a grove of orchards
illuminated by patches of sunlight.
Spring is
shedding off your winter’s coat
and putting on faded blue overalls,
flinging aside your three layers of socks
and sprinting barefoot into the damp, dewy grass.
Spring is
pastel colored flowers
budding on the bare trees
that survived through the blizzards
of the brisk and frosty winter.
Spring is
a time where people celebrate the jubilation
that emanated from the sun finally coming out,
a time where people gather round
and make a toast to the hope that’s coming.
Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Spring '24: Writing Contest.
This is the true essence of spring! You've captured and bottled it, and with such a spark of joy intertwined.
Thank you!!
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