
Vermont has ways of making things that are harsh and scary beautiful – gorgeous, even!
Icy roads surrounded by woods that look like they jumped out of a storybook.
Icicles covered by a soft, white blanket dangle from each branch.
Fluffy snow floating to the soft ground touched only by the silent animals.
Streaks of light seep between the branches of the trees
while the few birds that remain continue to sing their seemingly endless song.



18 years old

More by Nevbee

  • John Lewis's legacy

    How can we keep John Lewis's legacy alive?
    A good question that is, sadly, hard to answer.
    People all over the country mistreating others just because of the color of their skin or their culture.
  • Warm Winters

    it's weird
    because Vermont winters
    are cold and harsh
    but feel warm 
    and welcoming
    sitting together watching movies
    and watching snow slowly drift to the ground in the morning
    or in the moonlight when all is quiet 
  • Writers Block

    So many things to write about
    So many words to use
    So many ideas running through my mind
    yet none seem right
    But I don't have the confidence to ask for validation
    For an opinion
    My ideas are for me
    I don't like being judged