John Lewis's legacy

How can we keep John Lewis's legacy alive?
A good question that is, sadly, hard to answer.
People all over the country mistreating others just because of the color of their skin or their culture.
People all over convinced they are superior because of their skin or their beliefs.
You better look the same, sound the same, act the same, believe the same things, if you don't want to be marginalized.
That's today's society.
But it's not hopeless, especially now that so many people are standing up and finding their voices.
So many more people are stepping out of the shadows, fewer and fewer bystanders, more and more voices.
One person at a time, we are fighting this. This, being racism, homophobia, classism, religious prejudice, etc.
There will always be people who continue to mistreat others. 
There is no excuse for this. Nothing that makes it okay.
Because everyone is equal, no matter how they look or what they believe in.
Everyone deserves to feel welcomed and safe and loved.
Understand that if you are white, you have white privilege.
It's what you do with it that decides who you are. Put simply, do you use your voice and power to further oppress others? Or do you use the voice you have, the extra layer of safety, and people's willingness to listen to your voice over others to speak for those who do not have those advantages?
Those are the people who are going to help us win this battle and keep John Lewis's legacy alive.



18 years old

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