It's been a while without writing. Oftentimes, I find my thoughts fleeting, drifting. Trying to focus my thoughts on writing, often leads me to be more frustrated and write incomplete prompts.

After feeling lost for a while, looking for something to write, I was inspired by this headline that I saw in the news.


I wrote two poems out of this headline, each different in terms of context, all connected by one thing. A star.


As the day turns to dusk, the night skies bleed all colors birthed from the singular, joyous, cosmic star.

However, the star no longer smiles in all colors tonight, for the star has gained consciousness of

what lies below. The ungrateful earth smokes and coughs on the star, for the star witnesses the

fumes come up to the night skies, stabbing its eyes and making it cry. The star of the show

ponders, wonders what the world has done tonight, for it has not fumed this much anger without

a valid reason. However, the star realizes the world has been burning for a while, running off of any 

fuel it can burn. The upset star spreads its tears across the dying night sky until it is no more. No credits.


As I sparkle, I lift myself up into the sky, breathing in the fresh night dew and breathing out amongst a star.

I twist around my heart and soul as I stare into the universe, staring at the abyss, looking for a sign of

life. Emptiness, yet the void provides strange comfort. I can feel the everlasting, warm hug that the

empty space provides, almost as if it is breathing, with the giant heart that is outer space starting to show

how comfortable it truly is. Every heartbeat of the galaxy with skin could be felt even by those without

a heart within them. I gazed at the galactic streaks that painted the sky as if a blind painter without any

idea of what they were doing went crazy on the canvas. It was a dream. Then I woke up. Roll credits.


Noah Carmona


19 years old

More by Noah Carmona


    Through this ocean wet.

    My voice, free to thrive.

    Sea fish within dive.

    Reach in, draw the net.


    There you are, at last…

    Tell me what you have seen…

    Tell me everything…

  • A TREE

    A tree

    A stationary tree

    The bark so righteous; its core so pure

    The leaves illuminate with the sunlight

    The roots befriend the live earth

    All as one, freely


    A human

    A cross human


    In the middle of the ocean I lie
    There is not a single cloud in the sky
    The sun beams down and browns my skin evenly
    Drying my skin like a towel, boiling my blood like tea;