
Sebastian walks over to me and leisurely takes hold of my hand. Obviously nothing out of the norm, and neither am I a child, but I don’t complain. I just soundlessly gasped at the reaction, and when we both stepped outside--doors locked--the warmth of the sun, made me smile and the soft breeze, waved my long black locks, to tickle my neck. The freshly trimmed grass, glistened in the clement sun, dew drops present from the rain from earlier. I cracked a smile before, but now, in fact presently, I was skinning my teeth, inhaling the fresh air. No city car exhaust, no city appearance, it was just wonderful, until Sebastian came into view, again, from the corner of my eye. I sulked as I made my way into the passenger seat of his matte black vehicle, feeling the rough outer shell of it. I look out through the window, my chin held in my palm, and I watch the trees as a blur in varying sizes. The sky, the same blue, that only seems to be folding in, conquering the patches of gray.



20 years old

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